
增量编码器直流伺服电机 0.67KW 48V ZSMD0703-5430-I25E-NKSP

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增量编码器直流伺服电机 0.67KW 48V ZSMD0703-5430-I25E-NKSP

         杰瑞特ZSMD0703-5430-I25E-NKSP DC直流伺服电机有2.5倍过载能力,供电电压DC48V,额定扭矩-2.03NM,额定转速-3000RPM,电机不带刹车匹配增量编码器,防护等级IP65,电机安装法兰尺寸70*70mm,我们还可以根据客户要求定制化低温直流伺服电机。


Jarrett ZSMD0703-5430-I25E-NKSP high-power DC DC servo motor has 2.5x overload capacity, supply voltage DC48V, rated torque -2.03nm, rated speed -3000rpm, protection class IP65, motor installation flange size 70*70mm, We can also customize low temperature DC servo motor according to customer requirements.


杰瑞特紧凑型高性能DC直流伺服电机:ZSMD0703-5430-I25E-NKSP 特别适合对平稳运行和长寿命要求很高的应用,永磁同步直流伺服电机需要精确的定位应用,极高的功率密度,相较于市场的同类产品尺寸和性能更优。采用高性能稀土永磁材料,具有低惯量,高转矩密度,超强过载能力,极低转矩脉动,低噪音,低温升等特点。


Jarrett compact high performance DC DC servo motor: ZSMD0703-5430-I25E-NKSP is particularly suitable for applications with high requirements for smooth operation and long life. Permanent magnet synchronous DC servo motor requires precise positioning applications, extremely high power density, and better size and performance than similar products in the market. Using high-performance rare earth permanent magnet material, with low inertia, high torque density, super overload capacity, very low torque ripple, low noise, low temperature rise and other characteristics.


JARRETT 70法兰DC直流伺服电机:ZSMD0703-5430-I25E-NKSP 功率0.67KW(含)以内,采用高性能稀土永磁材料,可选直流电压有48V、60V、72V、110V或直流220V;各种反馈元件可选:增量编码器,绝对值编码器,旋转变压器;可选掉电制动器;具有设计和定制能力,可定制应用恶劣环境-40度,-55度军工标准的工作环境的低温伺服电机


JARRETT 70 Flange DC servo motor: ZSMD0703-5430-I25E-NKSP power within 0.67KW (including), using high-performance rare earth permanent magnet materials, optional DC voltage of 60V, 72V, 110V or DC 220V; Various feedback components are available: incremental encoder, absolute value encoder, rotary transformer; Optional power off brake; With design and customization ability, can customize the application of harsh environment -40 degrees, -55 degrees military standard working environment of low temperature servo motor。
增量编码器直流伺服电机 0.67KW 48V ZSMD0703-5430-I25E-NKSP
增量编码器直流伺服电机 0.67KW 48V ZSMD0703-5430-I25E-NKSP
增量编码器直流伺服电机 0.67KW 48V ZSMD0703-5430-I25E-NKSP
增量编码器直流伺服电机 0.67KW 48V ZSMD0703-5430-I25E-NKSP
增量编码器直流伺服电机 0.67KW 48V ZSMD0703-5430-I25E-NKSP



